Locotrol and Beta

 I know it's late, but I figured I should write a post on this.

The CNW AC4400CW officially entered beta this evening. The Locotrol Harris Box has been implemented and the backend has been polished. Looks like the installer is working well. All I need to do now is clean up a bit of the scripts, add a thumbnail, and write the manual. Release is coming soon.

Here's a little bit of a flashback of the SP AC4400CW mesh implemented on the CNW unit.

 Steve did mention he was going to make some tweaks to the audio to fix potential clipping issues. As always, things posted are still work in progress.

Funny story actually - he and I are in a voice chat as I'm writing this and he's about to pull his hair out.

"Speegerton shall do this- YOU WANT YOUR HORN SOUND DON'T YA?"

 10/10. I love developing for this game.

 I have a couple of days off from work coming up, so expect major progress when that comes. We might be snowed in if the weather doesn't let up. As always, thanks for reading and y'all have a great night.


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