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Life Update

Hey guys. It's been a while. I just want to give an update to you on things going on in my life. I haven't forgotten about the blog. I'll start by saying thanks to everyone for your support. It means a lot. I never posted my retirement on my blog because frankly, I forgot. I received so many comments and it truly means a lot coming from the train sim community. I miss engaging with everyone, but life has really taken the front seat now. As some of you may know, I have 3 PC's. A gaming desktop, a gaming laptop, and an older Dell Optiplex. Over the last month, I've been utilizing my little free time into making all of the computers talk to each other. The gaming desktop (which all of my TSC content was on) has been wiped and converted over to a workstation. I gave it a deep clean inside (it was pretty dusty) and rebuilt the entire thing. No tools exist on it now. I threw some more RAM in, installed all of the Adobe stuff, used the Nvidia Studio drivers, and now it'

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